


テリー・ブリュワー博士の反射防止膜の発見は、世界のマイクロエレクトロニクス業界に革命をもたらし、現在の高速で軽量の電子機器を可能にしました。ブリュワー博士のリーダーシップの下で、Brewer Scienceは、タブレット型コンピューター、スマートフォン、デジタルカメラ、テレビ、LED照明などのエレクトロニクスに使用される最先端のマイクロデバイスについて信頼性の高い製造を実現する先進の材料と装置の開発・製造におけるグローバルリーダーに成長しました。


Brewer Scienceの従業員は、革新、多様性、能力開発を促進する環境を実現できるよう尽力しています。全従業員は、結果重視の問題解決アプローチを通じて、お客様が自社の技術目標を達成できるようサポートすることに注力しています。Our customers’ long-term success is important to us, and we pride ourselves on exceeding their expectations with our personalized care and commitment.


Brewer Scienceは、従業員を何よりも大切にします。Our core values— Trust & Integrity, Freedom with Accountability, Win-Win & Mutual Respect, Driven to Deliver, Curiosity & Creativity, and Courage —help create a unique environment that fosters creativity and innovation. 組織内において、自由さと明確な目標そして成長へのコミットメントを組み合わせることで、最大の技術革新が生まれると私たちは信じています。社内外で、信頼の基盤を築くためにはオープンなコミュニケーションが大切だと考えています。



Brewer Scienceのブランドの特徴は、コアバリューに直結しています。タカ(鷹)は、自由、美しさ、調和という形の無い要素を象徴しているため、Brewer Scienceを視覚的に表すシンボルになっています。お客様がBrewer Scienceのことを考えるとき、信頼とビジネスへのコミットメントを思い浮かべます。お客様は、私たちが絶えず働き、次世代への道を切り開いていることを知っています。私たちの多様性と、個々人の集まり以上であるという信念に価値を認めていただいています。チーム一体となって、私たち全員は業界リーダーであり続け、受け取った以上のものを世界に返すことにコミットしています。


Brewer Science, Incorporated設立



最初の商用i-line ARC®材料製造ラインを確立


最初の米国特許「Adhesion Promoters(接着促進剤)」を取得



Brewer Science Limited、イギリスオフィス開設

Brewer Scienceが4つの部門センターを設立

ARC®がSemiconductor International誌のEditor’s Choice最優秀製品賞を受賞


Brewer Scienceが創業20周年を迎える




ロボット処理ツールのTalonが、Solid State Technology誌のウエハ処理部門で最優秀所有コスト製品に選出される


Brewer Science, Inc.がISO 9001:2000の登録を達成

Brewer Science Germany, Limited設立



Brewer Science Japan合同会社がオープン

Brewer Science LimitedがDarley Abbey Millsに移転。20周年を迎える

Brewer Scienceが、20周年を記念して、Darley Abbey Millsに東側から通じる道路沿いに20本の木を植樹




Brewer ScienceのJVIC拡張により、Brewer Scienceの研究および先進製造用スぺースを4,600平方フィート拡大し、2階建て施設全体において床面積の合計が12,450平方フィートに拡大

Brewer ScienceがThe eFactoryで「The Perch(止まり木)」のスポンサーとなる

ミズーリ州立大学のプログラムのThe eFactoryとは、技術に特化した起業センターのことです。The eFactoryのクライアントは、柔軟なリース契約によってオフィススぺースにアクセスでき、ビジネスサービスや設備、技術サポート、メンタリング、およびコンサルティングを利用できます。


Ashwin Rao, Ph.D.

Chief Market Strategy Officer

Prior to joining Brewer, Ashwin was responsible for driving Henkel’s GTM strategy development in the North American adhesives market. With 20 years of experience in strategy, innovation, and marketing at leading global specialty chemicals suppliers, Ashwin is well suited to fulfill the responsibilities of Chief Market Strategy Officer ('CMSO'). His main goal is to leverage leadership and technical expertise of the company and steer the organization toward continued growth in its core and adjacent markets. Ashwin received his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of Akron and an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business.

Barbara Picarelli


金融、製造業、および保険業界での勤務経験があり、2002年にBrewer Scienceに入社。She is a Certified Public Accountant from the Missouri State Board of Accountancy and holds a BA in Accounting from Maryville University, as well as a Chancellors Certificate of International Trade from the University of Missouri St. Louis and The World Trade Center. Brewer Science財務部門のグローバル経理担当管理者として入社し、2009年に最高財務責任者に就任。「Brewer Scienceの従業員と文化は傑出しており、私がこれまでに働いた経験のあるビジネス環境にはないものを持っている。」とバーブは話す。

Dan Brewer


大学院で昆虫学、生物学、生化学を修了後、1996年に入社。He currently serves as our co-CEO. The most exceptional part of Brewer Science, according to Dan, is “a culture of creativity that supports our mission to lead the industry through being a company of the people, by the technology, for the customer, to achieve fulfillment.”

Paul Harris

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

ポールは、1991年に英国のヘリオット・ワット大学で半導体エレクトロニクスを専攻し、応用物理学の理学士号を取得しました。ポールは卒業後、様々な国際的な場所に拠点を置く大手コングロマリット企業に勤務していました。その後、1998年から半導体産業に従事し、2004年にBrewer Scienceに入社しました。Paul serves as our Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, which includes global customer service. 彼は英国を拠点としていますが、米国ミズーリ州ローラの本社からアジア、ヨーロッパの地域センターに至る、有能で献身的な国際的なチームを率いています。Paul believes "our customers are at the heart of everything we do and that our unique culture of openness and innovation allows everyone within Brewer Science to bring industry-defining products and enabling solutions to all our customers through our technology leadership."

Rama Puligadda


Rama Puligaddaは、インドのデリーにあるインド工科大学(IIT)で化学修士を取得(1990)、同じくインド工科大学(IIT)でポリマー科学工学修士を取得し(1992)、シンシナティ大学で化学工学修士を取得しました(1995)。Ramaは、1995年に化学研究者としてBrewer Scienceでのキャリアを開始しました。She has since led and managed several programs at Brewer Science including product development projects and collaborative work with partnering companies, universities, and research institutions. She now serves as the Chief Technical Officer, providing leadership for the design, development and engineering of innovative solutions for the semiconductor industry. 「急速に変化する業界では、同時に複数のソリューションを提供するために、お客様、パートナー、コンソーシアム、および協力企業とともに非連続的な手法で対処する必要があります。これからも動きはより迅速になり、課題は増える一方です。私はこの業界とコミュニティに参加して貢献できることに感謝しています。Brewer Scienceの内外の素晴らしい人々とともに業務に携わることは、とてもやりがいがあります」とRamaは語ります。

Dr. Srikanth (Sri) Kommu


Srikanth(Sri)Kommu博士は困難な問題の解決に非常に熱心で、先見の明を持つリーダーです。顧客に大きな価値をもたらすとともに、世界に前向きな変化をもたらします。Dr. Kommu has over 20 years of stellar leadership experience in the semiconductor industry, and he currently serves as our co-CEO. He started as a research scientist in 1996 and was most recently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice President (SVP) at MEMC/SunEdison Semiconductor, before joining Brewer Science in 2017. CTOやSVPとして高度に差別化された製品、機能、コストのロードマップを戦略的に定義し、顧客の期待を超え完璧に実現させました。He is serving as an Advisory Board member at Washington University since 2012 and worked at Intel and SUMCO earlier in his career. Kommu博士はハーバードビジネススクールの総合管理プログラム(2009年)を修了し、ワシントン大学で化学工学の博士号(2001年)と修士号(1996年)を取得、またインド工科大学で化学工学の学士号(1994年)を取得しました。「Brewer Scienceの優秀な人材とイノベーション文化は競争上の優位性をもたらし、Brewer Scienceはこれまで以上に価値の高い製品を顧客に供給できる状況にあり、それが半導体産業の成長を可能にしているのです」とSriは述べています。

Dr. Dan Sullivan

Chief Product Development Officer

ミシガン州立大学で化学博士号を取得後、2004年にBrewer Scienceに入社。He currently serves as the Chief Product Development Officer, leading a team of talented researchers focused on inventing new technologies that solve semiconductor industry-related challenges. 化学、先進リソグラフィー、プロセス統合に関する専門知識を生かして、半導体業界を前進させるようなBrewer Scienceの製品やプロセスのポートフォリオ拡大に寄与した。

Jessica Parsons

Executive Director, Finance

Jessica joined Brewer Science in 1998 and currently serves as the Executive Director of Finance, leading a global team of talented individuals who are dedicated to providing services and data that maintain high standards of quality. She began her accounting career prior to graduating from Drury University with a BS in Accounting/Business Administration in 2002. With over 30 years of experience, she has witnessed many changes within the industry. Jessica is passionate about problem solving, team building, process improvement, having positive influence, and transforming the finance workforce of the future.

Julie Ply

Executive Director, Sales Operations

Julie is a graduate of the University of Missouri – Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) with a BS in Metallurgical Engineering. In 2014, she started her career in the semiconductor industry as a Senior Quality Engineer with Brewer Science. Prior to that, she spent over 25 years in automotive-related manufacturing, where she managed a variety of manufacturing departments and labs with an emphasis on process engineering and continuous improvement. During Julie’s years in automotive-related manufacturing, she co-authored several papers for SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society). Julie is passionate about team building, empowerment, and identifying solutions to seemingly impossible problems.

Matthew Beard

Executive Director, Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability

Before joining Brewer Science in 2005, Matthew earned his B.S. in Ceramic Engineering in 1997 from the University of Missouri – Rolla, followed by a period in the automotive industry, focusing on quality systems and continuous improvement. Throughout his career at Brewer Science, Matthew has worked as a quality engineer, a quality manager, and most recently as Director of Integrated Management Systems focusing on quality systems, environmental sustainability, and safety programs. He now leads our Strategic Planning, Quality, Safety, and Environmental teams as our Executive Director of Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability. With a passion for the environment, Matthew continues to work with outside organizations to drive sustainability education and awareness while maintaining excellence through agile planning and continuous improvement methodologies across the company.

Mike Mathews

Executive Director, Global Manufacturing & Logistics

Mike Mathews received a BS in Industrial Safety from Central Missouri State University (now the University of Central Missouri). Mike started his manufacturing journey working nine years in the plastics industry where he served as a shift foreman, process engineer, logistics manager, and EH&S manager for three facilities in three states. In 1997, Mike joined Brewer Science as the safety coordinator, growing to manage several groups over the years including facilities, logistics, procurement, EH&S, and manufacturing, and led many construction projects including the high-volume manufacturing facility located in Vichy, MO. His accomplishments include deploying LEAN initiatives across the operation groups, empowering teams and the people within those teams to achieve excellence in alignment with Brewer Science’s corporate goals and objectives, and exceeding customers’ expectations.

Rebecca Rich

Executive Director, Legal

Becky obtained her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Missouri – Rolla. After graduation, she started as an intern and then a research associate in Brewer Science’s New Business Group. After a couple of years, she took an educational leap, enrolling in the University of Missouri School of Law with a plan to focus on patent law. She rejoined Brewer Science in 2010, this time handling the company’s intellectual property. Since then, her responsibilities have grown to all areas of corporate law, including leading a small team and handling topics she never imagined in law school, such as closing an ESOP transaction during a global pandemic. Becky embraces the challenges presented by the growth and uncertainty in our industry, as well as developing the unique culture and vision of Brewer Science.

Ryan Moss

Executive Director, Smart Devices

Ryan Moss serves as the Executive Director of the Smart Devices business division, where he leads the operations and commercialization of market transforming intelligent sensor products. Ryan joined Brewer Science in 2019, where he’s held multiple leadership positions, including Director of Operations, as well as Director of New Business Development. His previous experience includes more than a decade with a world leading logistics company, where Ryan served as General Manager, serving the supply chain operations of multiple Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Terry Brewer

Founder and Executive Chairman

Dr. Terry Brewer is the founder and Executive Chairman of Brewer Science. 1969年にノース・テキサス大学で物理化学の博士号を取得し、1972年にテキサス大学で特別研究員課程を終える。彼は、Brewer Scienceを世界で最も独創的かつ革新的な会社の1つであり、また最も従業員を中心に考える世界的ビジネスモデルの1つだと考えている。「私たちの通貨は革新です。私たちの成果はすばらしいアイデアではなく、すばらしい製品なのです」と彼は語る。ブリュワー博士は、従業員と革新の雰囲気に重点を置いた自身の会社の文化を高く評価している。
