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What is the Internet of Things?

The “Internet of Things” (IoT) was first defined in 1999. Basically, the IoT is defined as a network of physical objects that are embedded with electronics that enable the objects to provide greater value and service. Although the basic meaning of the term remains the same, devices—key components of the “things” referred to in the…

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Applications within the Internet of Things Part 2

The Internet of Things (IoT) includes a number of different applications throughout a wide assortment of industries. In our first breakdown of applications within the IoT, we discussed how Brewer Science creates materials for sensors and MEMS devices essential to the development of IoT applications. Now we’ll take a look at our involvement with control…

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Applications within the Internet of Things, Part 1

The Internet of Things (IoT) has made substantial strides since first being envisioned in 1999, having moved beyond machine-to-machine communications, toward impacting a variety of industries with “smart” devices. Nearly 26 billion devices will be connected to the IoT by 2020, according to technology research firm Gartner, Inc., and the majority of these devices fit…

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Brewer Science innovating to meet IoT-driven memory needs

Picture this: In four short years, Gartner Inc. predicts, the Internet of Things (IoT) will have expanded to a mind-blowing 26 billion units. That’s partly because component costs are decreasing and the devices are efficient enough to allow a huge variety of devices, both simple and complex, to be connected to the IoT. As such,…

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The Digital Era: Combining AI and IoT

Imagine an intelligent world where highways formulate warning messages and diversions, retail managers are alerted when a product is low in stock on shelves or cities are able to detect areas where power outages may occur before the event takes place.   As technology continues to expand and grow in new directions, artificial intelligence (AI)…

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Brewer Science to teach and learn at Tokyo’s SEMICON Japan 2015

Continuing our multi-year tradition, Brewer Science is joining hundreds of other worldwide exhibitors in showcasing our latest technologies Dec. 16–18 at the 38th SEMICON Japan, the largest annual gathering for the semiconductor manufacturing industry. This year we highlight our BrewerBOND® materials, temporary bonding equipment suite, and ARC® materials at the Tokyo International Exhibition Center event,…

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